Yoga is cancelled for today, February 10th, due to road conditions

The Wellness Wednesday Blog — Healthy Habits RSS

What is Rewilding?

Rewilding is a return to our roots, a reconnection with the natural world from which we come from. It’s recognizing that we are part of nature, rather than separate from it. It means to embrace our planet and become aware of it’s beauty and abundance, but also its fragility. Micah Mortali explains in his book, Rewilding, that human rewilding is “a return to our essential nature and an attempt to reclaim something of what we were before we used words like ‘civilized’ to define ourselves”.  We live in a society that is disconnected from the natural world. Think about your typical weekday. Many people wake up in a heated house, take their car to work, and sit at a desk for...

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3 Daily Habits to Boost Mood and Reduce Stress

This past week has not been easy for me. I hurt my back on Friday morning and was down and out all week long. I hadn't had back pain for years, and there I was on the ground not able to get back up because of a spasm, or a pulled muscle, or something! After a few minutes I gathered my composure and crawled to a nearby railing to help myself stand back up. I wasn't able to do much at all for the first five or six days and then things started to improve over the past few days. I had to cancel classes, reschedule a workshop, and put on hold some upcoming projects because of this injury, which...

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