The Alchemy of Life 4 week yoga class series begins January 27th, 2025

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What is Rewilding?

Rewilding is a return to our roots, a reconnection with the natural world from which we come from. It’s recognizing that we are part of nature, rather than separate from it. It means to embrace our planet and become aware of it’s beauty and abundance, but also its fragility. Micah Mortali explains in his book, Rewilding, that human rewilding is “a return to our essential nature and an attempt to reclaim something of what we were before we used words like ‘civilized’ to define ourselves”.  We live in a society that is disconnected from the natural world. Think about your typical weekday. Many people wake up in a heated house, take their car to work, and sit at a desk for...

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3 Ways to Experience The Overview Effect on Earth

The Overview Effect is a term used to describe the profound realizations and the shift in awareness reported by some astronauts when they view Earth from space. The term was coined by author Frank White in the 1970’s when he was flying across the country. As he gazed at the earth from the airplane window he thought, “Anyone living in space will always have an overview. They will see things that we know, but that we don't experience, which is that the earth is one system, we're all part of that system, and there is a certain unity and coherence to it all”.  Experiencing something so profound as gazing at your home planet from space certainly has the potential to...

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